Five clothes a lady should wear in her lifetime

There is an ideal, natural order in life. However, all fingers are not equal and every man’s (or woman’s) fate is distinct but then if wishes were horses then this is what the order would look like.
1.School uniform
This is when the girl is innocent to the ways of the world- a time when she should be protected. No girl should ever miss out on her childhood; it forms the foundation for everything else that follows in her life.
2.Matriculation gown
It is more than the joy of obtaining admission into the university. It signifies a coming of age for every young girl. It is that time she is truly away from her parents’ hawk-like supervision and she is able to soar, test the boundaries and make a few mistakes here and there.
3.Graduation gown
It is not everyone who wears a matric gown that is opportune to wear a graduation gown; a lot can happen in the 4, 5, 6 years you spend in the university. This is the time when a lady is expected to stand on her feet, make responsible decisions and take charge of her future.
4.Wedding gown
The woman should go through the first two phases so she can acquire the maturity and experience to be fit for this dress. This is why teenagers have no business in marriage- what would they know about keeping a home or dealing with marital issues. In as much marriage is something you learn on the job, with age you are able to tackle the issues that arise better.
5.Maternity gown
The world is growing increasingly becoming modern but the fourth dress should always come before this fifth. Having a man who has made a commitment to stay with you makes the experience of having a child much more complete.
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