If The Woman You Are With Even Has Half Of These Qualities, Marry Her

1. She is much more intelligent than you are.

It’s always a plus to be dating a girl who is smarter than you are. The best kind of men know that they shouldn’t feel threatened or intimidated by dating a girl who is smarter than them. They know that this means they get to spend a lot of time learning from their partner about various aspects of life.

2. Honesty is her best policy.

She never lies to you; not even to protect your feelings. She respects you enough to actually think that you deserve the truth at all times. She doesn’t think that you’re a child who needs to hide behind lies. She is more than willing to tell you the truth even when it’s uncomfortable.

3. She maintains a healthy dose of optimism in life.

It can be tough to maintain a positive outlook on life in this modern age. There are just too many things to be down about. But that’s not an issue with her. Her positive vibrations are infectious. She always manages to uplift the people who are around her.

4. She is empathetic. 

Being compassionate, supportive, and encouraging towards your partner is a huge part of building a successful relationship. Nobody wants a person who is a “Debbie Downer” all the time and will not support them in their endeavors or their times of need.

5. She is consistent.

Being consistent is a valuable virtue because it lets your partner know that you really are who you are. You haven’t sent your “representative” to get to know them during the first couple of months of dating, but then suddenly transform once they’ve committed themselves to you.
To clarify the point, think of consistency as the opposite of volatility. If someone is unpredictable and volatile, it’s difficult to know how they will be acting towards you on a certain day, and that gets old no matter how aesthetically pleasing she is.

6. She puts in effort for you.

I am all about giving in relationships. I believe seeing your significant other happy should also make you happy – but it is important to understand that it goes both ways.
Her putting in effort doesn’t have to be much. It can be something as simple as slipping the waiter her debit card to pay for dinner. It’s no secret that sometimes the romance wears off of longer term relationships, but you shouldn’t let it – and neither should she.
If a woman continues to do what she knows attracted you in the first place, even after she got you a long time ago, it shows she cares about keeping you around.

6. She will make you want to be the best version of yourself, without changing who you really are.

This is an identical point to the last one in the male version of this article, because it is equally true for both genders. A woman will empower those around her. She will strive for greatness and therefore inspire others to strive for it as well. This not only includes friends and co-workers, but also significant others.
As Mark Twain said – Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
Gentlemen, we all know that women like this are hard to find. If you are fortunate enough to get her attention, make sure you do what it takes to make her feel special, every day.
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