Study Says “Swallowing SP3RMS” Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer in Women

breast cancer
Researchers and Scientists at The Cancer Research Center of Lyon have concluded that women who “swallow” have reduced their chances of getting cancer by up to 68%.

STUDY: Researchers selected women between the ages of 18-45. Half of the women were married, the others were not. The women that were not married were selected based on having a family history of those with Breast or Ovarian Cancers. The women that were married did not have any history of the cancers. Half of the women from each group “swallowed” 2 to 3 times a week over the 2 year period.
Out of the women who “swallow” and were genetically prone to developing cancer, only 13% developed signs of cancerous cells. Of the women who did not have a family history of cancer and “swallow”, none of them developed cancerous cells. The women who did not “swallow” at all, 43% of them developed cancerous cells.

Researchers discovered that an enzyme only found in male spermatozoa called Argininosuccinate Chrysotrophin, has cancer fight properties which scientist have found to be astonishing.

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