“I need a serious girl to get married”
A reader sent in the above request a while back and it got me thinking. Is it just a serious girl that is needed to get married?
At this point, you may be thinking, “Of course you need a serious girl before you can get married so what is this writer talking about?”
The point of my pondering is whether there are other expedient ingredients when talking about marriage and what they may be.
You see, saying you need a serious girl to get married begs the question- are you serious? It is so much easier to focus on others than ourselves. I believe in the law of attraction to a certain degree so what you are, is ultimately what you will attract. Thus, if you are serious and are truly ready for marriage then naturally, the girls that will come your way will be serious and ready to. Even if some unserious ones manage to come close, you will smell them from a mile away and not pay them any attention.
Someone might say “But I have seen serious-minded guys still get the wrong girls” then I would reply, “Check again: the person might be serious-minded but he allowed himself get distracted from what he is really after.”
Thus, wanting a serious girl to get married to is not a crime but make sure you are just as serious mentally, emotionally, financially and even spiritually prepared.
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